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April 27, 2023
Make Great First Impressions with a Hallway Makeover | Poplar Carpets

First impressions matter, whether they're in person or in your home. When someone enters your house, the first thing they notice is your hallway. A well-decorated and organised hallway can make a great first impression on your guests. It can also improve the mood of your family, who see it first every day! And the […]

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April 5, 2023
Why Laminate Flooring is the Perfect Choice for Your Home

When it comes to choosing the perfect flooring for your home, there are a lot of factors to consider. From durability and longevity to aesthetics and budget, the options can seem overwhelming. However, one choice stands out above the rest: laminate flooring. From its versatility, to its affordability, laminate flooring is the perfect choice for […]

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