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February 21, 2024
A Step-by-Step Guide to Measuring Your Room for New Carpet and Estimating Costs

Tips from Poplar Carpets! Are you thinking about getting new carpet for your home and want to work out your own estimate for costs? We've got you covered with our step-by-step guide! To start, it's essential to measure your room accurately. This guide to measuring your room for new carpet will provide you with simple […]

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February 8, 2024
What to Do When Your Carpet Starts Showing Wear and Tear

Tips from Poplar Carpets! We’d all love our houses to stay looking pristine and like brand new show homes all of the time, and for nothing to ever wear out or start to look tired and old, but real life unfortunately just doesn’t work that way.  Carpets, while offering comfort and beauty to our homes, […]

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